While scouring the www for new and exciting content for the blog, I came across the rise of Chinese Elvises. apparently they are number one when it comes to impersonating the King. One Chinese Elvis said that he can also sound like George Michael and Billy Idol but "unfortunately there isn't much call for a Chinese George Michael. Someone once requested a Chinese Cliff Richard but I couldn't do him". This particular chap has a Chinese Restaurant named 'The Graceland’s Palace' where sweet and sour pork is renamed 'I Just Can't Help Believing'...I don’t get it.
Now, I've always been a fan of themed restaurants and a supporter of the arts but this...I'm not so sure. there is nothing worse than going somewhere when you have to order a meal and put on an Elvis voice (FACT). I dug deeper and got some feedback from diners, Sven, 45 (the joker) "I travelled all the way from Sweden to see this legend, the food was awful and it tasted really musty. Elvis didn't even enter the building, let alone leave it"
I tried to book Elvis for an appearance, apparently he is on a sabbatical...but can do Sundays. This story gets stranger and stranger.
For more information visit chineseelvis.com