Saturday, 9 May 2009

Remember: You are unique...just like everybody else (Ri)

OK, so... whilst in the cinema watching a movie (as one usually does in a cinema...unless you're one of those cinema lurkers...there's always one) I was seated with my friend literally in the very front row (definitely got the short stick).So anyway, with our necks perpendicular to the screen itself, the ads come on. Now, cinema ads are a funny thing. People laugh at ads they see in the cinema, even if they've seen them a million times at home before... Does the bigger screen enhance the comic-value?

Most importantly, on to the point I am trying to make... One particular ad for 'adidas' (It really kills me to have to spell that with a lower-case 'a' to start with...) I'm not sure if anyone remembers the 'Skins Season 1' ad with a house party of drunken, adrenaline/drug filled teenagers blasting The Gossip's 'Standing in the Way of Control' at a house party? It was literally almost exactly the same. However, instead of teenagers, the 'adidas' houseparty was filled with familiar celebrity faces... David Beckham, Missy Eliot, Katie Perry, Estelle (the rough looking bird made famous from that tune 'American Boy') and loads of other 'celebs'. Each of them are adidas-clad from head to toe.

Then... The Pièce de Résistance... the caption. 'Be Original' haaaaaa! I seem to be the only one who found the irony of this! This ad is, in fact, a paradox in itself! It's telling people to 'Be Original' by wearing the exact same clothes as all these celebrities! The stupidity is overwhelming...

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