Monday 30 March 2009

By Rian

This guy annoys us...and not in a good way... we can tear his attempts at being funny apart. There's no point in LOOKING for faults or 'random' things in life people... if you see them straight away the jokes will come to you.

1. People dont drive because they cannot afford to IDIOT! Not because they are too old or too mental to drive a car (generally, 'mental' people don't know they are mental)

2. Old people and people with mental disorders 'disgust' you? Idiot.

3. If he was naturally funny, he wouldnt have to edit his videos so heavily. Even when edited, they're still only minorly humorous.

4. As for your remark (at aprox. .40secs in) "You're on a bus'... NO buddy... YOU are on a bus... you surely cannot expect people to be totally sensitive to your needs. I'm sure they are not playing it 'just to be obnoxious'

5. I have never seen a girl in tears on a bus. Ever. (Ou look... and another take, and another... nice editing funnyboy!)

6.Imagine. The bus driver was wearing a bus driver's uniform. The reason it is high-vis is in case the bus breaks down etc in the dark. He will be clearly visable. (and another take!)

7. How can you be more visable than when you are driving a double decker bus? Em... it's clearly a uniform, again. Idiot.

8. "If people dont see you they're stupid" Are you suggesting that the visually impared are stupid? (Another take in there too...)

9. The beige argument is truly stupid. I dont even need to say why. (one or two takes)

Other than that...quite a funny guy.


  1. you dont make me cry you fool

  2. he has a point about the chavs though, but its only certain routes - 'chav-friendly' bus routes. ie not the university bus route but the one going to my house. i live on the border of chav land. it is scary.

  3. No. We're ignoring any valid points he has made. hah
