25 Things about Faye and Rian you may not know, not in particular order
1. All of our money is safely invested in lottery tickets.
2. We have never been able to correctly spell pkyvqgccceknzv.
3. Millions of years ago we killed the dinosaurs.
4. Our beards exist solely to cover embarrassing tattoos of a beard.
5. Every time Rian goes to the zoo, she steals a penguin. She is building an army.
6. Faye once went on an adventure in a dark magic school bus. She went to the fifth circle of hell.
7. We invented the shark. Sorry.
8. We have both been to the moon and it’s covered with cocaine. No, wait, I have that backwards.
9. We can pull coins out of people’s ears but it’s a very lengthy and costly operation. If you still would like to see this, please send Rian a message.
10. Due to reverse evolution, Faye is now the proud owner of a third hand. Also, Rian has gills.
11. Unrelated, Rian stole someone’s hand once.
12-23. (Unique genital variations...don't really want to get into it)
24. Faye spent three years as a drummer for U2, she did this in transition year and two later gap years.
25. Hell is a place on Earth and we all live there. (not really)