Saturday, 6 March 2010

Apple man Bad man

Right, so it has been forever. Get over it. I'm now a fully fledged college student... trying to live up to the stereotype as much as possible... bongs and all! "Naaaaat" (see? Borat quote...student cool points right there)

I have a sad sad story to tell. It's one which illustrates just how much the world needs to wake up and get a sense of humour. It all happened in the Farmer's market in Howth, Dublin...

I do enjoy having a gander at the finest organic produce available (or known to mankind... Withnail quote... another cool point). I had just completed 5 days of pretty solid inebriation and I was extremely malnourished and in dire need of some vitamins and minerals. From the corner of my eye, I see a large stall selling solely apples.

I approached the apple stall and noticed the large barrels of apples... green ones, red ones, greenish-red ones, yellow apples and even other apple products including juices and sauces.

I approached the apple man, with an apple on his apron and a Pink Lady in his hand and said aloud 'Oh, I must get some apples'... the man asked me 'Would you like to buy some apples?'

In the most sarcastic voice possible, I replied 'Oh yeah... have you got any? haha!'

He replied 'Eh...yes we do?' and gave me a blank to worried grimace.

Great. Thanks for making us both look like imbeciles MORON